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Published: 2019-12-18

​HONG Shuang

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Assistant Professor

Research Interests: Syntax; Rhetoric


For undergraduate students: Mandarin Chinese, Rhetoric of Mandarin Chinese

For graduate students: Chinese Rhetoric

Publications (selected):


HONG Shuang. Minimal Words of Chinese. Beijing: Beijing Language and Culture University Press, 2015.


[1] HONG Shuang. Studies on Putonghua from the Perspective of Hong Kong Chinese, TCSOL Studies, 2019 (2).

[2] HONG Shuang. Layers of the Determiner Phrase in Mandarin Chinese, Journal of Literature and Art Studies, 2018 (6).

[3] HONG Shuang. The Syntactic Properties of “De” in Noun Phrases, Sze-wing Tang. Studies of the Particle DE in Chinese, Beijing: Peking University Press, 2017.

[4] HONG Shuang. The Syntactic and Semantic Properties of “De” in Possessive Structures, Liyun Yuyanxue Kan, 2015 (2).

[5] HONG Shuang. DP-analysis and Nominal Phrases in Mandarin, Journal of Foreign Languages, 2014 (2).

[6] HONG Shuang. Prosodic Structure of Mandarin Adverbial Phrase, Linguistic Research, 2014 (15).

[7] HONG Shuang & Dingxu, SHI. DP-analysis and Appositive Structure, Chinese Language Learning, 2013 (1).

[8] HONG Shuang & Dingxu, SHI. Appositive Structures and Possessive Structures: A Case Study of Tamen Zhe Sange Haizi, Studies in Language and Linguistics, 2012 (4).

[9] HONG Shuang & Dingxu, SHI. On Construction of Chinese Compounds, TCSOL Studies, 2012 (4).

Office: C-4052, Main Building

Mailing Address: School of Chinese Language and Literature, Beijing Normal University, NO. 19, Xinjiekouwai Street, Haidian District, Beijing 100875, P. R. China.

Copyright © 2019 School of Chinese Language and Literature Beijing Normal University